Monday, September 21, 2015

Why Do I Exist in Writing?

Hello people who care! This is my first time ever blogging. I'm a literary device called a conceit. Some people call me an extended metaphor, and I go by either. My job is to help readers understand concepts by comparing them to unlike things, sort of like my little brother, metaphor, and my  little sister, Simile. The main difference between metaphor and I, is that I simply last longer, hence the name, "extended" metaphor. Any Metaphor that lasts more than one sentence or phrase is actually a conceit. All my life I've always been asked: "What's the point of comparing things that aren't alike?" When you say it that way, it does sound a little silly to compare things that are not alike. However, it is my job to FIND a relation or connection between the two things that wouldn't normally be compared, and that is what i do best. I don't mean to sound too arrogant, but a lot of literature wouldn't be nearly as creative or easy to relate to if I didn't exist.

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